Monday, August 24, 2009

Coke or Pepsi?

So this post has nothing to do with soda. lol But um yea, soooo, my whole reasoning behingd the title is how do you choose. Same beverage concept, but apparently some people prefer one over the other. That's why both companies still exist in and are in high competition.

When you're dating, you're not "tied down" to any one particular person. You can fuck and suck and fuck whoever you want, (per say)! Any who when it comes down to that point when its time to make a decision, or as i call it CRUNCH TIME; how hard does it become to choose between people. Clearly if you're dating this person, its for a reason. (Well then again, maybe its not!Maybe you just want some good head, or maybe that person has some fat pockets!!! All the wrong reasons, but to eachs' own!)

I'm in a situation where i (technically) been single for a hot ass minute, and i been SWIMMING in the waters! Like deep sea diving, and snorkeling, and all that other hot shit. You get the point I'm trying to make though! Now, I'm like ok i can settle again. Ive been seeing a few people, but there are two specific people i know i can be with on a serious level. The hard part for me is, how do i know that I'm making the right decision picking one over the other. Well then again i guess you don't really know do you? How would you make a decision like this?

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